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Provides forfor varying student skills, approachesvarying student skills, approaches toto learning, interests, and culturallearning, interests, and culturalheritages.heritages.Selecting Key KnowledgeSelects key knowledge and skills thatSelects key knowledge and skills that and Skillswill cause students to apply and/orwill lead students to advanced levels ofanalyze new learning.learning, such as synthesis andevaluation, and that encourage studentsto extend learning beyond the scopeof the lesson.Demonstrating KnowledgePlans to use some school, district, orPlans to use school, district, and of Materials, Resources,community resources to enhancecommunity materials, resources, and and Technologylearning for students.technology to provide challenginglearning activities to students withvarious levels of need, knowledge, andskill.Designing Activities ThatPlans a variety of activities based onPlanned activities allow students to Promote Studentconsideration of the needs of allextend their learning beyond the scope Learninglearners. The planned activities supportof the lesson. Students have thethe key knowledge and skills and freedom to direct the lesson in waysengage students in meaningful learning.that are meaningful to them.The lesson is coherent and has a clearstructure.Planning to Assess StudentThe content identified for assessment,Student assessment is fully aligned Learningthe assessment methodology, and thewith the identified knowledge and skills,criteria for evaluation are tightly alignedcontaining clear assessment criteria.with the identified instructionalThe criteria are not only understood byknowledge, skills, and activities.students, but also show evidence ofAssessment criteria have been taughtstudent participation in theirto students.development.     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     % TBR4UUAABLt(1.8s-1.10s, 3.10s)       % % TTA^7UUAAALPDTT7UUAALPC TTp7UUAApLPE% % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   <l% % % % %   T <kUUAA ;LpContent Knowledge: ! % T<tjUUAA<FL Displays a lack of understanding of the structure of the discipline,                     % % % % " !% %    RpArial/& &xN51&40 j0Arial1' &wwP h\I0dv%   T pUUAA pL|or makes content errors. $    % % % % % " !% %   V% % % % %   T )UUAA LPrerequisite Relationships:E      % T*UUUAA*:L Displays a lack of understanding of knowledge and skills               % % % % " !% %    %   T UUAA DLstudents must already have in order to learn the identified content.   $             % % % % % " !% %    <% % % % %   T :;UUAA LContent-Specific Pedagogy:   % T; :UUAA; <L Displays a lack of understanding of pedagogical strategies                % % % % " !% %    %   Tl @nUUAA @0Lused to promote student leanring of the content.  $          % % % % % " !% %   t% % % % %   T, t*UUAA s%LDemonstrating Knowledge of Students S%  !    % T$+{$UUAA+{$L(1.1s-1.3s, 1.5s, 1.14s-1.15s, 3.8s)             % % TTAt^UUAAAsLPDTTtUUAAsLPCTTptUUAApsLPE% % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T ]UUAA LCharacteristics of Age Group:     !% T^UUAA^>L Plans are not aligned with the developmental characteristics           $     % % % % " !% %    %   T F UUAA Lpof the age group.    % % % % % " !% %   @% % % % %   T< P?UUAA (LStudents' Varied Approaches to Learning:      % T8Q>UUAAQ'L Plans do not reflect knowledge of the          % % % % " !% %    %   T DrUUAA D7Ldifferent approaches to learning that students exhibit.            % % % % % " !% %   x% % % % %   T xUUAA wLtStudent Motivation: #  % TxUUAAxFL Planned instruction would not motivate students to want to learn and         $          % % % % " !% %    %   T| UUAA L\achieve.  % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA LStudents' Skills and Knowledge:    ! % TgUUAA7L Plans do not reflect understanding of students' prior               % % % % " !% %    %   T BUUAA Lxknowledge and skills.     % % % % % " !% %   Hx% % % % %   TT H\wUUAA G,LStudents' Interests and Cultural Heritage:        % TD]HZvUUAA]H)LPlans do not reflect knowledge of student           % % % % " !% %    % % % " !% %   |  T, |UUAA |PLinterests and/or cultural heritages that would further enhance student learning.                    % % " !% %    % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T$ UUAA $LSelecting Key Knowledge and Skills     !     % TPNUUAA+L(1.2s, 1.5s-1.6s, 1.12s, 1.14s-1.15s, 3.7s)               % % TTA^UUAAALPDTTUUAALPCTTpUUAApLPE% % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   V% % % % %   T UUAA  LhSignificance:   % TUUUAAKL Selected knowledge and skills are trivial, represent low expectations for                  % % % % " !% %    %   T )FUUAA ;Lstudents, or require little or no conceptual understanding.              % % % % % " !% %   L|% % % % %   T L{UUAA K L`Clarity:    % T\LzUUAAL-LKey knowledge and skills are not discernible.            % % % % " !% %    % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA !LSuitability for Diverse Students:      % TrUUAA7L Selects key knowledge and skills that are not aligned              % % % % " !% %    %   T UUAA Lxwith students' needs.      % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T iUUAA @LDemonstrating Knowledge of Materials, Resources, and Technology %  !   #       % TjUUAAjL(1.16k-1.18k, 1.20s, 3.9s)         % % TTA^UUAAALPDTTUUAALPCTTpUUAApLPE% % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   L% % % % %   T KUUAA LtMaterials/Resources:#   % TJUUAADL Plans do not indicate an awareness of school or district resources                 % % % % " !% %    %   Tt P~UUAA P\Lthat would assist in teaching and in student learning, or inappropriately uses materials and                     $    T UUAA  L`resources. % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA  LhTechnology:   % T UUAAELPlans do not indicate an awareness of technology that would assist in                 % % % % " !% %    %   T UUAA BLteaching and student learning, or inappropriately uses technology.                % % % % % " !% %    P% % % % %   T 5OUUAA 4LDesigning Activities That Promote Student Learning         %    % T6'MLUUAA6'Lt(1.19s, 3.7s, 3.11s)       % % TTA ^OUUAAALPDTT OUUAALPCTTp OUUAApLPE% % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   T% % % % %   T TUUAA SLtLearning Activities:     % TTiUUAATDL The planned activities do not support key knowledge and skills, or                % % % % " !% %    %   T UUAA Ltthey lack coherence.    % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T kUUAA LlLearning Groups:  !% TlUUAAlIL The planned activities do not include meaningful groupings of students.           $         % % % % " !% %    % % % % " !% %    % % % % %   T pUUAA LpLesson Structure: % TqUUAAqLL The planned activities have no defined structure or an illogical sequence.                   % % % % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   $T% % % % %   T, $ SUUAA #%LPlanning to Assess Student Learning         % T +PUUAA +Lh(1.13s, 1.26s)     % % TTA$^SUUAAA#LPDTT$SUUAA#LPCTTp$SUUAAp#LPE% % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   X% % % % %   T XUUAA W!LAssessment Content and Materials:%   #  % TxXgUUAAX2L The content identified for assessment and/or the       $   % % % % " !% %    %   Th UUAA ZLassessment methodology are not aligned with key knowledge and skills and/or activities, or$ $                    % T UUAA 6Llittle or no evidence of assessment plans are present.       $     % % % % % " !% %   $ % % % % %   T # UUAA  L`Criteria:  % T@" UUAASL The criteria identified for the assessment are not aligned with the key knowledge         $          % % % % " !% %    %   T ( V UUAA ( Land skills and/or activities.        % % % % % " !% %   \  % % % % %   T \  UUAA [ LtStandard English:    % T\  UUAA\ GLDisplays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English.           $       % % TTA\ ^ UUAAA[ LPDTT\  UUAA[ LPCTTp\  UUAAp[ LPE% % " !% %    % % " !% %       T k UUAA LSuggestions for Improvement:   %%% % " !% %    Rp Arialx*0&x[w80 Pl0Arial1' &ww 5\I0dv% % % " !% %    8   TP j UUAA VL D = Developing; C=Competent; E=Exemplary          % % " !% %      TA  UUAAA DL Descriptors for C and E on the following page.               % % " !% %    '% (   &% /6/<% Ld/2;/4!??% /t6/% Ld/t2/t4!??% /6/% Ld/2/4!??% /6/% Ld/2/4!??% / 6/T% Ld/ 2S/ 4!??% /$6/X% Ld/$2W/$4!??% h6 % Ldh h` !??% l6 % Ldl l\ !??%  6 % Ld  G!??% l6 % Ldl l$ !??%  6 % Ld   C!??% 6 % Ld !??% /\ 6/ % Ld/\ 2 /\ 4!??% 8 68 % Ld8 ; 8 C!??% h6h% Ldhkh!??% 6% Ld!??% 868% Ld8;8!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld !??% p6p% Ldpsp!??% 6% Ld!??%  6 % Ld  !??% t6t% Ldtwt!??% 6% Ld!??% D6D% LdDGD!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% H6H% LdHKH!??% |6|% Ld||!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% P6P% LdPSP!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??%  6 % Ld # !??% T6T% LdTWT!??% 6% Ld!??% X 6X % LdX [ X !??%  6 % Ld   !??%  6 % Ld   !??%  6 % Ld   !??%  6 % Ld   !??% ( % " !%    % ( ( ( ( ( ( " F4(EMF+*@$??FEMF+@ ObjInfo WorkbookCSummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8 FBa=6 = !8X1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)7*2_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).))_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?,:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)6+1_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)                + ) , *     (@  ( @  (@  (  (  (@  (  (    (@@ 8@ 8@@  (@@  (@  ( @  "8@   ( @      (@   (   (   (  "8   (@   (   (  "8   h@@    h@    h @   "8@ @   (@@   (@   h @   h@   h    h@    h   (@  (@@  (@   (@  8  (@  !8@@  h@@   h@  h@   h@  h@   h  h  h@  "8@@   h@@   h@ @   h@   h@@   h@ Sheet1ASheet2BSheet3T G5CDlevel. Circle performance If D, check reason.Suggestions for Improvement:ElementsDDemonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy (1.8s-1.10s, 3.10s)1 XContent Knowledge: Displays a lack of understanding of the structure of the discipline,or makes content errors.UPrerequisite Relationships: Displays a lack of understanding of knowledge and skillsDstudents must already have in order to learn the identified content.VContent-Specific Pedagogy: Displays a lack of understanding of pedagogical strategies0used to promote student leanring of the content.ZStandard English: Displays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English.IDemonstrating Knowledge of Students (1.1s-1.3s, 1.5s, 1.14s-1.15s, 3.8s)% [Characteristics of Age Group: Plans are not aligned with the developmental characteristicsof the age group.OStudents' Varied Approaches to Learning: Plans do not reflect knowledge of the(7different approaches to learning that students exhibit.VStudents' Skills and Knowledge: Plans do not reflect understanding of students' priorknowledge and skills.UStudents' Interests and Cultural Heritage: Plans do not reflect knowledge of student,Pinterests and/or cultural heritages that would further enhance student learning.XSignificance: Selected knowledge and skills are trivial, represent low expectations for ;students, or require little or no conceptual understanding.7Clarity: Key knowledge and skills are not discernible. XSuitability for Diverse Students: Selects key knowledge and skills that are not aligned!with students' needs.XMaterials/Resources: Plans do not indicate an awareness of school or district resources\that would assist in teaching and in student learning, or inappropriately uses materials and resources.RTechnology: Plans do not indicate an awareness of technology that would assist in Bteaching and student learning, or inappropriately uses technology.XLearning Activities: The planned activities do not support key knowledge and skills, orthey lack coherence.YLearning Groups: The planned activities do not include meaningful groupings of students.]Lesson Structure: The planned activities have no defined structure or an illogical sequence.SAssessment Content and Materials: The content identified for assessment and/or the!Zassessment methodology are not aligned with key knowledge and skills and/or activities, or6little or no evidence of assessment plans are present.\Criteria: The criteria identified for the assessment are not aligned with the key knowledge and skills and/or activities.achieve.YStudent Motivation: Planned instruction would not motivate students to want to learn andOSelecting Key Knowledge and Skills (1.2s, 1.5s-1.6s, 1.12s, 1.14s-1.15s, 3.7s)$ HDesigning Activities That Promote Student Learning (1.19s, 3.7s, 3.11s)4 3Planning to Assess Student Learning (1.13s, 1.26s)% ZDemonstrating Knowledge of Materials, Resources, and Technology (1.16k-1.18k, 1.20s, 3.9s)@ V D = Developing; C=Competent; E=ExemplaryD Descriptors for C and E on the following page.EeStudent: _______________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________________1>:> [)[K [) F  dMbP?_*+%SP&C&"Arial,Bold"&12Unit Plan Rubric &10Planning for Learner-Centered Instruction &?'?)?M6HP DeskJet 880CXC od,,LetterDINU"4$%#| $$$$"d,,??U} m } I} $} m}    ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '|eStudent: _______________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________________1> "#######$"  % Circle performance &()*)@Elements)))+(  ,level. +-......./-  0 If D, check reason. /S1DDemonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy (1.8s-1.10s, 3.10s)1 22222223  4D  4C  4Eg5XContent Knowledge: Displays a lack of understanding of the structure of the discipline,6666666&CL7 !-or makes content errors......../F89 dAUPrerequisite Relationships: Displays a lack of understanding of knowledge and skills)))))))+D89 M (Dstudents must already have in order to learn the identified content. )))))))+F89 e 5VContent-Specific Pedagogy: Displays a lack of understanding of pedagogical strategies 6666666&D89 9 -0used to promote student leanring of the content. ......./F89 X 1IDemonstrating Knowledge of Students (1.1s-1.3s, 1.5s, 1.14s-1.15s, 3.8s)%  22222223 KD 4C 4Ej 5[Characteristics of Age Group: Plans are not aligned with the developmental characteristics 6666666&CL7 -of the age group......../F89 ^5OStudents' Varied Approaches to Learning: Plans do not reflect knowledge of the(6666666&D89 @-7different approaches to learning that students exhibit......../F89 hAYStudent Motivation: Planned instruction would not motivate students to want to learn and)))))))+M89 <achieve.)))))))+N89 e5VStudents' Skills and Knowledge: Plans do not reflect understanding of students' prior6666666&D89 -knowledge and skills......../F89 d5UStudents' Interests and Cultural Heritage: Plans do not reflect knowledge of student,6666666&D89 Y<Pinterests and/or cultural heritages that would further enhance student learning.)))))))+D89 ^1OSelecting Key Knowledge and Skills (1.2s, 1.5s-1.6s, 1.12s, 1.14s-1.15s, 3.7s)$ 22222223  KD  4C  4Eg5XSignificance: Selected knowledge and skills are trivial, represent low expectations for 6666666&CL7 D<;students, or require little or no conceptual understanding.)))))))+J89 F57Clarity: Key knowledge and skills are not discernible. 6666666&F89 g=XSuitability for Diverse Students: Selects key knowledge and skills that are not aligned!6666666&D89 >with students' needs......../F:; i1ZDemonstrating Knowledge of Materials, Resources, and Technology (1.16k-1.18k, 1.20s, 3.9s)@ 22222223  KD  4C  4Eg5XMaterials/Resources: Plans do not indicate an awareness of school or district resources6666666&CL7 e<\that would assist in teaching and in student learning, or inappropriately uses materials and)))))))+E89 BXHXIEq]>d5B}hjB '! '" '# '$ '% '& '' '( ') '* '+ ', '- '. '/ '0 1 2 3 h4 5 Z6 J7 8 9 : ; < = > ?  < resources. )))))))+F89 a!BRTechnology: Plans do not indicate an awareness of technology that would assist in !6666666&D89 K"-Bteaching and student learning, or inappropriately uses technology."......./F:; W#1HDesigning Activities That Promote Student Learning (1.19s, 3.7s, 3.11s)4 #22222223 # KD # 4C # 4Eg$5XLearning Activities: The planned activities do not support key knowledge and skills, or$6666666&GL7 %-they lack coherence.%......./F89 h&5YLearning Groups: The planned activities do not include meaningful groupings of students.&6666666&F89 l'5]Lesson Structure: The planned activities have no defined structure or an illogical sequence.'6666666&H89 B(13Planning to Assess Student Learning (1.13s, 1.26s)% (22222223 ( KD ( 4C ( 4Eb)5SAssessment Content and Materials: The content identified for assessment and/or the!)6666666&GL7 c*<Zassessment methodology are not aligned with key knowledge and skills and/or activities, or*)))))))+I89 ?+-6little or no evidence of assessment plans are present.+......./F89 k,5\Criteria: The criteria identified for the assessment are not aligned with the key knowledge ,6666666&H89 &--and skills and/or activities.-......./F:; i.OZStandard English: Displays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English..PPPPPPP7 . KD . 4C . 4E%/5Suggestions for Improvement:/6666?66666& 0 1 2 3 4 5 6_6 V D = Developing; C=Competent; E=Exemplary 6M6!D Descriptors for C and E on the following page.6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? D l7oAcJI""""""""""""""@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ Dl` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  Dl  (>@6 6 7 F  dMbP?_*+%" ?? U>@7 F  dMbP?_*+%"?? 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